Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Last night, before heading over to a show at the Museum of Natural History, we headed over to Hells Kitchen for some drinks and eats.

While waiting for our table to be ready at Yakitori Totto, we grabbed a beer at Valhalla. Holy cats is this place loud! Thank god our table was ready when it was. I was starting to lose my mind. That place has good beers on tap, but the echo chamber effect they have going on is insane.

I was salivating in anticipation on the way over to Yakitori Totto. Word on the street was that this is the real deal- mostly Japanese clientele, dynamite skewers, and pretty much unknown to the masses.

What I didn't know was the power of the almighty Shochu. Shochu, for the uninitiated, is a distilled spirit made from grain or potato, a more potent and dryer/cleaner tasting cousin of sake.

We each ordered a shochu with grapefruit while looking over the menu. What arrived was a large tumber of ice filled almost to the top with shochu, with a half grapefruit and juicer served on the side. Incredible. We juiced our grapefruits and topped off the tumbler of shochu. Sweet nine ounce baby Jesus, was this good.... More on the power of shochu later.

Dinner lived up to the hype. We ate almost every skewer on the menu (as well as a surprising good salad to balance things out). Not a single clunker in the bunch. We will definitely be coming back.

So after another shochu and some nice conversation with the people next to us we took off for the show. It wasn't long before I realized how powerful thise drinks really were. First I lost my bank card in the ATM. Then I cut myself off for the rest of the night. It was just as well given where we were headed....

Thursday, September 13, 2007

On My Grind: Spitzer's Corner & Kuma Inn

Before heading over to the show last night, we stopped off at a couple of places nearby on the Lower East Side.

First stop was Spitzers Corner, a new upscale beer hall on Rivington & Ludlow. This place has a ton of great beer on tap and a gourmet pub menu. We made our way past the beautiful people loitering outside and snagged a seat at one of the long picnic style tables inside. Beers were ordered and pork-fat popcorn(!!!) was eaten. Then it was off to the next place. Spitzy's, we'll visit you again another time soon.

For dinner we walked a block or two over to Kuma Inn , an out-of-the-way, second story Asian tapas joint. Since it was BYOB, we stopped off at the bodega along the way to snag a few Sapporos's to drink with dinner. Without getting into too many details, this place is great. Incredibly delicious small plates, good service, shockingly inexpensive bill, and refrigerating my beers until needed - perfect. We'll be back

Merrymaking with Calvin Harris @ Mercury Lounge

We took in a great show last night. Calvin Harris made his US debut last night after getting tons of buzz for his DFA-esque dance rock. The packed house was clearly familiar with all his stuff -- singing along, bouncing up and down, and matching him beer for beer. Good times.

One complaint, who the hell uses backing vocals at Mercury. Totally random. Oh well. Still a good show in spite of the (very poor) lip-synching being done by the backing band.

Check here and here for more reviews.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A Weekend in the Green Mountain State

Some math equations to ponder...

Labor Day weekend + running out of real VT maple syrup = Roadtrip

My wife's cousin = Free place to stay (thanks E & T!!)

Broken headlight + VT trooper = Verbal warning

Beautiful weekend + bum foot = Lots of shopping, eating and drinking

Shopping + eating + drinking = $$$$

RTE 22 + Taconic = One sweet drive

Time away from the city + time in VT = Priceless